Prodigy Performance offers the best performing and highest quality forced induction kits for your Jeep Wrangler on the market. Quality is imperative when purchasing a power adder that will transform your vehicle from its original naturally aspirated operation to a forced induction system.
We use only the highest of quality components in our kits after they have been thoroughly tested and proven to satisfy our quality standards. This is a true bolt-on system that has been developed to work seamlessly with your factory Wrangler. No other components, or modifications are required for the use of our kit. In addition, our system is virtually maintenance free.
Our kit does not require any separate oiling to maintain optimal performance. Instead, the system is already integrated in your Jeep's natural oil pattern.
The Prodigy 3.6L Wrangler Turbo kit comes complete with everything you need for a successful installation. Our system comes standard with a large front mount intercooler to exchange the most heat possible. Lowest intake air temperatures to deliver supreme power over the competition without the need for costly XL upgrades.
Prodigy systems feature Genuine Precision Turbos, Tial Sport wastegates and blow-off valves, Revolutionary HP Tuners tuning hardware, K and N filters and a variety of custom made top quality components like our mandrel bent TIG welded and back purged pipes.
When you purchase a Prodigy Performance turbo kit, you can be sure you're installing the highest quality power solution for your Jeep Wrangler.
Even More Power Than an Engine Swap
The following race videos have been created solely to display the power you can expect from one of our kits. Our Jeep Wrangler Turbo Kit was Not intended to turn your Jeep into a Race Jeep. However, being the performance enthusiasts that we are we feel this is one of the best ways to display power.
What about offroad with a Turbo
A common misconception is that you need high horsepower and torque on the low-end to off-road your Jeep Wrangler. Wrong! When you are off-roading, proper gearing and tire selection is key during the initial phase of the obstacle. As you ease into the to the throttle and the RPM builds when you need the power the most, the custom designed Prodigy Turbo System provides all the extra power that you need.
Our system works in unison with the already amazing off-road performance of the Jeep Wrangler, not against it.
Custom Tune
All kits will come with a custom written tune made in house by Prodigy Performance. Our experts lead the industry in Jeep tuning. Each tune will be managed and installed using a the all new revolutionary HP Tuners MPVI2.
Not only will our tune support more power than any other performance modification on the market, we also take great pride in our unmatched power delivery, driveability, and reliability that comes standard with each tune.
The end result is the ultimate Jeep driving experience, that can only be found in a Prodigy Performance turbo Jeep!
To accompany our color printed comprehensive, illustrated step by step manual. We have a series of 25 plus videos available on our site as well as our YouTube channel. Between the manual and the videos all of your install questions can be answered.
This is your Lack of Power Solution
The Jeep Wrangler 3.6L turbo kit was designed to alleviate all of the struggle and uncertainty that comes with driving your Jeep on a daily basis.
Fear of not having enough power to cut across an intersection, not being able to accelerate quick enough to merge onto the freeway, lack of power to pass a slow or unsafe motorist, or simply being able to cruise at speeds 70 mph or greater with ease.
These are real problems that deserve a real solution. Unlike our competitors where users claim they have received noticeable gains, you will be blown away by the performance and may truly find yourself with more than enough power than you may ever need
- Prodigy 3.6 liter Stage 2 Kit
- Automatic/Manual
- Most Powerful Forced Induction Kit on the Market for Jeep Wranglers
- Add 150 RWHP that's an Increase of more than 63 percent RWHP over stock!
- Add 120 FTLBS Tprque that's an Increase of over 56 percent RWTQ over stock!
- 12 Month Warranty
Included In Kit:
- 1 Wastegate Assembly
- 1 Blowoff Valve
- 6 Matched Fuel Injectors
- 1 MAP Sensor
- 1 MAP Sensor Adaptor
- 1 Turbo Bolt Assembly
- 1 Exhaust Bolt Assembly
- 1 Vacuum Hose Assembly
- 1 V-Band Clamp
- 1 Oil Feed Line
- 1 Turbo Gasket
- 1 Turbo Drain Assembly
- 1 Turbo Feed Assembly
- 1 Oil Source Assembly
- 8 Lbs 10 Hose clamps
- 5/1 Silicone Hose Clamps
- 2 02 Extension (32 inch)
- 1 Transmission line mounting assembly
- 1 Coolant Tank assembly parts
- 1 Down Pipe
- 1 Passenger Feed Pipe
- 1 Intercooler
- 1 Cross Over Pipe
- 1 Turbocharger
- 1 Turbo Blanket
- 4 Turbo Stickers
- 1 AT Hose Assembly (auto only)
- 1 Transmission Cooler (auto only)
- 1 Coolant Tank
- 1HP Tuners tuning MVPi2
- 2 2.5- 2.5 inch 900 Silicone Hoses A and B
- 1 3 inch- 2.5 inch Silicone Throttle Body Hose
- 1 BOV 90 pipe
- 1 Power Steering replacement hose
- 1 PCV/Air Filter hose assembly
- 1 Boost Check Valve and Hose assembly
- 1 Hose and Oil Pan Assembly
- 1 Heater Hose Assembly 2
- 1 Heater Hose Assembly 1
- 1 4 inch Air Filter and fitting
- 1 Main Turbo Pipe
- 1 Extension Pipe w/ cat converter
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