Gladiator Rear Bump Stop Extensions For 2020-Up Jeep Gladiator JK Clayton Off Road
Gladiator Rear Bump Stop Extensions For 2020-Up Jeep Gladiator JK Clayton Off Road
List price

    Jeep Gladiator JT rear bump stop extension kit allows you to adjust your rear up travel in congunction with our 3 inch bump stops. This kit comes with eight (8) total 1/2 spacers, and eight (8) bolts and four (4) nuts which allows you to add 1/2 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch or up to 2 inch of additional bump stop.

    Must be used with our JT rear bump stop kit. COR-1410200

    • Rear Bump Stop Extension Kit
    • 1/2 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch
    • UHMW
    • Hardware Included
    • Made in the USA
    0 of 0
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    Vehicle Fitment
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    Clayton Off Road
    Suspension / Steering / Brakes
    Bump Stops
    Availability: Available